Feedback Solutions Success Story

May 27, 2024

TechPlace's Launch Pad program, provides tech start-ups with the collaborative ecosystem they need to thrive! Our Launch Pad resident Feedback Solutions is making waves in the energy management sector with its innovative approach to reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in buildings. As the winner of the Burlington Chamber of Commerce’s Excellence in Innovation and Technology, we congratulate Feedback Solutions on their continuous growth and achievements, making them shine as a leader in the industry!  


Driving Innovation in Energy Management: The Vision of Feedback Solutions 

At the forefront of revolutionizing energy consumption in buildings, Feedback Solutions stands out as a trailblazer. Led by co-founders Karen Smith, their chief marketing officer and David Whaley, their chief executive officer, this innovative company is dedicated to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and operational costs with their cutting-edge technology.  


A Vision Rooted in Efficiency and Sustainability 

Feedback Solutions specializes in hardware-enabled software that integrates seamlessly with existing building management systems. By leveraging best-in-class sensors, they provide highly accurate space utilization data and optimize HVAC operations, significantly reducing energy consumption. This non-disruptive solution is particularly appealing to commercial real estate owners and operators who are increasingly focused on sustainability and cost-efficiency. 


Inspiration Behind Feedback Solutions 

The company was born from a desire to address the dual challenges of climate change and rising operational costs in buildings. Karen and David, both veterans of the commercial real estate sector, identified a critical need for a solution that was both effective and easy to implement. Their patented technology, developed by their chief technology officer Chandan Chowdhury has been instrumental in achieving this goal, offering a compelling return on investment and minimal installation disruption.  


Engaging with a Diverse Clientele 

Feedback Solutions has successfully engaged a wide range of clients, from university campuses to municipal buildings. Their ideal clients include senior sustainability officers and engineering heads who are committed to reducing energy consumption and meeting greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction mandates. The company’s collaboration with entities like the City of New York highlights their impact and growing traction in the market. 


Marketing Strategy and Industry Impact 

The company’s marketing strategy involves direct engagement and partnerships with consulting engineers and utility companies. These collaborations are crucial, as they provide significant incentives for adopting energy-saving technologies. Feedback Solutions’ approach aligns with the increasing urgency and regulatory requirements for reducing carbon footprints, positioning them as a key player in the clean tech industry. 


A Dynamic and Passionate Team 

Feedback Solutions prides itself on a team that is passionate about greenhouse gas emission reduction and agile in adapting to changing priorities. Starting off with a team of 2, Feedback Solutions has now grown to a team of 10. The founders emphasize the importance of a collaborative and fast-paced work environment, where team members thrive on innovation and impact.  


Accomplishments and Future Aspirations 

Among their notable achievements is a substantial Seed funding round and securing marquee accounts like the City of New York, Los Angeles Paramount Studio and New York University. Looking ahead, Feedback Solutions aims to scale significantly over the next few years, exploring new verticals and territories, and potentially synergizing with larger entities to further their mission. 


Engage with Feedback Solutions 

For those interested in being part of this exciting journey, Feedback Solutions welcomes connections with individuals and organizations passionate about climate change and energy efficiency. Whether you have innovative ideas or are looking to collaborate, they encourage reaching out to explore mutual opportunities. 


To learn more or get in touch, visit their website or connect via LinkedIn.  


Feedback Solutions is committed to promoting sustainable practices with their advanced cleantech solutions, ensuring a significant reduction in energy consumption and operational costs. TechPlace has also incorporated their sensors at our location. These real time occupancy counters track how many occupants are at TechPlace. This information is then used for predictive analysis that helps building operators to better maintain their heating/cooling and other HVAC related activities, save money and reduce GHG emission.  

TechPlace is proud to have such innovative tech companies be a part of our vibrant ecosystem!  Their clean tech solution for smarter, more efficient buildings, not only reduces costs but also reduces energy consumption. TechPlace is also running a pilot project with them where we are using their counters to understand our daily user count. This information is also being shared with the building operators to understand where the high traffic areas are and how to utilize this data to reduce the buildings greenhouse gas emissions. Our Launch Pad program was designed specifically for start-ups like Feedback Solutions, enabling them to thrive and scale their ground breaking technologies!. 

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